Pass the Milk - 1962 Post Cereal Baseball


I know food issue cards are popular, and I have my share of those but never imagined collecting these nice vintage cards from Post.  I remember seeing many of the cards when I was a kid but they never became a "must have" item for me and in all honesty it's taken all these years (hint decades) for the set to grow on me.  It could be due to the lack of a full size photo and the blank backs that they never caught my eye.  But when an auction lot of these fell into my lap for a song, I dove right in.

It's not like I was buying blindly though.  I have another stack of these somewhere and once I'm better organized will post those.  I guess you could say this is a very casual set build.

For the first time ever, I actually sat and read a few of these cards.  I can just imagine a kid back in 1962 sitting down for breakfast reading up on his or her favorite players.  Apparently the Richardson is a short print, but I'm sure no kid cared about that back then.

Most of these are in pretty good shape, and I'm certainly glad that someone was taught how to handle scissors properly.  In fact, the slim black outline shows up in most of these.

So that's 22 cards out of 200, or 11% of the set.  Any time I can pick up more than 10% of set for a reasonable price is OK by me.  The other 89% may take awhile though.  


  1. Nice. This will be a fun set build. Hadn't thought of Steve Boros in decades. I remember him managing the A's back in the 80's.

  2. Hey, I have the Richardson! One of the few non-Dodger Post cards I own. ... It's odd to see them so neatly cut out, even though I have a few of them.

    1. I have some that aren't so neatly cut, I'll have to dig them out soon.

  3. I grab these every time I can find them cheap. Not that often, unfortunately.

  4. I've noticed that a lot of the boom collectors aren't that interested in these, which has probably helped keep their prices down, at least on the non HOFers that is.


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