Cards from The Angels, In Order

Tom of The Angels, In Order contacted me awhile ago about a trade so we exchanged a few cards.  He sent these cards way before I was able to send out a return.  My mail issues not withstanding, this post is way, way overdue.  Tom sent a nice stack of Carew's and Puckett's, so here are a number of favorites.

A trio of Puckett Kaybee glossies!  I'm always up for receiving box set glossies.

Classic baseball.  I didn't collect many of these cards back in the 90's, so these are nice additions to my Puckett PC.

This card from Fleer's 1987 Award Winners set is also a nice addition, especially since I don't own the box set (at least I can't find it).  Now I might need to complete this set.

Tom also threw in some stickers!  I haven't actively collected these, but they are cool.  Somewhere in my collection I have a few stickers that I need to show off.

These Drake's were welcomed to my Carew PC.  I've been meaning to pick up these sets but never see them in the wild.

Tom also included a Carew from one of my favorite sets, 1980 Topps.  The Fleer star sticker is really nice and the Championship Baseball card is a need for the PC.  I don't come across many of those Milton Brady cards too often.

Finally, O Pee Chee!  These 3 are welcomed additions to my '85 O Pee Chee baseball set build.

Thanks for the trade Tom!  


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