Cards From Johnny


Johnny's Trading Spot does his almost daily card give away and I was a lucky winner recently.  With the number of comments and the fact that I don't comment as often as I'd like, it was a nice surprise to actually get picked.  So I thought I'd show off a few favorite cards that I received.

Todd Walker was a steady player for the Twins in the late 90's.  An infielder who hit a career best .316 in 1998 but was soon traded to Colorado for a player named Todd Sears and cash.  Despite that, Pinnacle made a pretty cool trading card and put Walker on it.

Johnny also included this 2023 Bowman of fan favorite Bryon Buxton.

The Buxton's kept coming.  In fact, I thought Johnny included 4 of the same card but a second look at the background and I soon realized something was different.  Not only are the patterns different but these are acetate cards!  I didn't know Topps made acetate cards, but these are from the 2018 High Tek insert set.  Johnny must have known I have a soft spot for acetate cards.  Very cool.

Perhaps the coolest card of all is this '87 Alf.  I've never seen this card before but it captures so much of what summers are (or used to be) up here in Minnesota.  I swam with those inner tubes (sometimes patched as shown) when I was a kid.  And I am still trying to fish all 10,000 lakes.  Awesome card.

Thank you Johnny!

And to keep the card giving spirit's a box of completely random baseball cards.  There are over 100 cards.  If you want to be included in this drawing, mention "100" in your comment.


  1. I totally would have missed the differences in those Byron Buxton cards. Good thing there's not "100" of them.

  2. I hear about these giveaways all the time, but never check them out. I probably should, as those are some nice cards! On a baseball note, the Twins have a good chance at pushing 100 wins this year.

    1. You are far more optimistic about this season than me.

  3. That Alf card is fantastic! I dont remember seeing many Alf cards back then, even though it was my favorite show as a seven year old :)

  4. Some nice cards from Johnny. His giveaways have been so generous. So is yours!

    I hadn't thought about Alf in 100 years, I think.

  5. There are all kinds of parallels in that TEK set, but those are patterns 1-4.

  6. I have gotten some really nice Twins cards from Johnny as well. I have floated down the Rum River when I was growing up on an inner tube very similar to ALF at least 100 times! Sometimes I think it was at least 100 degrees! Good times.

  7. I'll say it 100 times, Johnny is a good guy for his giveaways!

  8. Love the Alf card! I've gotta try and track down this set at some point. Looks like they sell in the $20 to $30 range on eBay... but I bet during the pandemic collectors dished out close to 100 dollars.

  9. I do love me some ALF, but that Todd Walker Museum Collection is DOPE!

  10. Just wanted to thank you for your generosity, but I'll sit this one out since I recently won big on Chris' blog!


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