2024 Halfway Check-in


I've been so busy this year that I forgot to follow up on my resolutions!  So without further ado here are the goals I set for myself:

1) Complete 2 vintage sets.
    Status:  Incomplete.  My '71 set is close but I haven't worked on it in quite awhile.  Still uncertain what other set I'll focus on.

2) Shiny Set Completion
    Status:  Incomplete.  I'm about 24 cards short of the Batting Helmet insert set, but does that really count as a shiny set?  I may go after 2020 NBA Hoops Premium since I came into a bunch recently, but there are other shiny sets waiting to be completed too.

3) Trade more.
    Status: Incomplete.  The year's not done yet, hopefully I can get some deals rolling.

4) Reduce the collection.
    Status: In progress.  I have about 20k cards right now that I'm boxing (including a binder of 71's) and will soon be listing on CL/Marketplace.  Hopefully I'll find a buyer, otherwise I hear old cardboard makes great kindling  :)

5) Follow through on other blogging ideas.
    Status: Incomplete. The ideas are there...the time isn't.

That's a lot of incompletes!  It looks like I've got some work to do to reach these goals.  With some luck computer issues won't set me back anymore and maybe I'll be able to better focus on these goals.  So here's to a better second half!


  1. A binder of 71's? You should be able to move that pretty easily. Best of luck on your 2024 goals.

  2. I didn't check in with mine yet. I am scared to lol


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