Hickory, NC Card Show


My trip to North Carolina was well timed.  As luck would have it, while searching the area for card shops to visit I found out a card and toy show was happening that same weekend at the Hickory Convention Center.  The drive from Charlotte to Hickory wasn't too bad, but when we arrived at our destination holy cow!  It was jam packed!  Many attendees - including myself - had to improvise a parking spot.

We got there early enough that we had time to look around at the vintage toys.  There were just as many toy vendors as there were card vendors and those retro toys were really cool to check out.

And there were some personalities there, like Sgt. Slaughter for you wrestling fans.

As fun as the toy section was, I was there for the cards.  Even in Hickory, NC vintage cards were just not prevalent.  I did find these 6 needs for my 1960 set build.  It is now 69% complete.

Surprisingly, I didn't have this card for my 1970 set build.  Only 99 more to go!

I also found two Ants and a Jordan for a buck apiece.  Up here, those Ants are $5 or more each.

This trio of cards were found after the show, at a local antique shop.  There were actually 22 of the 26 NNO checklists from the 1974 Topps Football set.  Each in great condition and unmarked.

Then there was this.  I took a chance on it because I had no idea what it is other than it looked old.
Doing a little research, I found that Gus Suhr played for Pittsburgh from 1930-1939 and the Phillies from 1939-1940.  As for the card itself, as far as I can tell this may have been cut from a 1931-32 exhibit card.  And yes it is that red in color.

This image was taken from the PSA website.  You can clearly see the photo is a match but the color is just a bit off.

The other thing to note is that the back of this card has an add.  The backs of most exhibit cards were blank, so I'm a bit stumped.  I suppose there could have been adds on the back but I haven't seen it.

The show was a lot of fun if not a bit of a bust for me but that's OK because I hope I get the chance to travel there again.  There are a couple of more items to show off but until then happy hunting!


  1. Definitely looks like it was a big show.

  2. This is what I don't like about the promoters who combine card shows with toy shows, etc. It attracts too many people, which I'm sure the promoters love, but often they can't accommodate it, as seen by your parking issue.

    Nice pick-ups though, even if you were a bit disappointed.

  3. I miss going to shows. None are here anymore. It's been close to 30 years since I last went to one, I am sure much much much has changed since

  4. Killebrew and two Ants? Fantastic!


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